What AGE group does a player fall into?

What does Each player need to bring with them on the day of tryouts?

  • https://form.jotform.com/231775085408158 completed online registration form (you do not have to bring a copy; we will have it on record)
  • Forms and Documents (srva.org) completed medical release form (bring copy)

    1. Tryout memberships will be available July 1st not before. SRVA Membership information can be found on their website under - Purchasing A Membership Instructions (srva.org)

    2. If a player has a current membership, they do not need a tryout membership as they are covered through the end of August.

  • Payment - MCT Tryout Cost $35 for new players. We accept cash, check or Venmo @marc-tortorici 
  • Wear standard volleyball attire. (court shoes, knee pads, elbow pads (not a requirement), spandex or athletic shorts and tshirt)

How much does MCT club ball cost and what is included?

  • Typically, the MCT season costs between $1700.00 - $2,000.00. This highly depends on cost of supplies/practice locations and how they increase through the year. We will know more definitively closer to Fall 2023. (Rates on this site are subject to change at any moment, this is strictly an estimate based on prior years.)
  • Fees include but are not limited to: practice gym cost, tournament entry fees, coaching fees, equipment fees, 2 jerseys per player (one long sleeve and one short sleeve), 1 pair of black spandex, 1 practice t-shirt. FEES DO NOT INCLUDE: travel costs or food expenses for player(s) or gaurdian(s)

What time of year does the MCT season run?

  • We should have teams selected by November and will begin some practices in November and December around holidays. In past seasons, we increase to normal practice times in January- February. Tournament may start as early as January through the end of April. Please be aware that these are estimations based on history and could change. 

How far do MCT TEAms travel?

  • We typically stay in the Southeast, AL, GA and TN primarily.  We do primarily play in 2 day (Sat/Sun) tournaments. There will be times where we travel in on Fri. night and return home Sun. night. Occasionally we will enter one day tournaments for Sat. At least 1 parent or guardian is required to travel with each player unless they advise the Director or Coach of a different plan, and that plan is approved. Parent/Guardian is responsible for their own & player travel costs (ex: food, hotel fees & entertainment) There are some tournaments that require the team to stay in specific lodging. Player/Guardian will be responsible for payment of this lodging as well. 
  • Not all teams compete on the same dates or at the same tournaments. 

How often do MCT teams practice and where?