For more information about tryouts and our club, please complete the interest form here

 MCT Tryout Cost $35 for new players. We accept cash, check or Venmo @marc-tortorici; please put the player's name in the comments on a check or Venmo payment. Payment is due on the day of selected tryout. Players will not be allowed to tryout if payment has not been received. A current copy of the player’s medical release form and SRVA membership will be required to tryout.


  1. Tryout memberships will be available July 1st not before.
  1. If a player has a current membership, they do not need a tryout membership as they are covered through the end of August.

SRVA TRYOUT POLICY -HP Tryout Information & Registration (

Tryout Location: Bumpus Middle School

Makeup Dates/Times: TBA